

WINTERREISE (2021-2023)

"Fremd bin ich eingezogen; Fremd zieh ich wieder aus."

"A stranger I arrived; a stranger I depart."

Wilhelm Müller: Gute Nacht

Franz Schubert: Winterreise D911, #1 Gute Nacht

I was inspired by the lieder cycle from Franz Schubert, who wrote these songs in February 1827 and October 1827, based on a collection of poems from Wilhelm Müller Poems from the posthumous papers of a traveling horn-player. 

The cycle has two parts of twelve poems each. It tells of the heartbreak of a man who steals away from town in the middle of winter. The mood of the cycle perfectly exemplifies the Romantic Imaginary: The Night, Solitude, Nature, the Journey, the Road. All of these elements refer to the aesthetics of the Romantic Landscape depicted by Caspar David Friedrich, J.W.M. Turner or the Hudson River School. They looked at Nature in a totally new way. it was the impression of Nature on the artist which was represented. Is Nature embracing the viewer or is Nature threatening him instead? 

Nature is the interlocutor of the Wanderer. We are the Wanderer, landscape only exists in the eyes of the traveler. It's the superior power of the Sublime, which will take us to the acceptance of ourselves, and our limitations. Desolation, inner grief and solitude must be accepted to attain the reunion with your inner self. You must travel outside to travel inside and find oneself at the end of the journey. Paraphrasing Goethe: "Über allen Gipfeln, ist Ruh."

The romantic persona of the Wanderer is brought to our time in the form of a quintessential American tradition, the Road Trip. The vastness of the American landscape, the Big Skies of the West, the empty spaces can present as both spectacularly beautiful on the one hand, and also severe and punishing, on the other. I work to present these scenes the way I feel them: as beholden to the great expanse of skyline. Pointing to the marks left by civilization on the landscape in the form of dwellings, both homes and barns, the electricity and telephone lines that draw themselves across the landscape, and empty, endless country roads. Sometimes it’s not clear where these roads are even going. They seem to exist on their own without an obvious destination.

This journey without a clear destination is arriving maybe to what it could be understood as a beginning. Without a clear narrative and through different moods, the traveler is experimenting throughout until there is acceptance of the reality of life. This is what I try to convey through my vision of these bleak spaces.

In his magnificent study of Schubert's Winterreise, the tenor Ian Bostridge, one of the all-time best interpreters of the cycle, expresses this concept in a very clear way: "Like all the great artists, he (Schubert) makes the most of the accidental, with a serendipitous intensification of the Byronic method of displacement, a turn of the screw. Winterreise is at one and the same time homely and insistently mysterious, one of the secrets of its enormous power." Quoted by Bostridge is also David Shields's book Reality Hunger: "The absence of plot gives the reader room to think about other things". (Winter Journey: Anatomy of an obsession. Faber&Faber 2015)

My work has this fluidity in mind. A journey to the center of subjectivity, to the complexity of the human being. A journey that expresses in the most honest way my position in the face of life and perhaps in the face of death that inexorably come to us.


Poetry of the Unremarkable (2020)

“Winter solitude
in a world of one color
the sound of wind.”
              Matsuo Bashō

Solitude, places unlikely to be noticed where selfies are a no-no.
Wire communication in a wireless world.
Roads to Nowhere taking me Everywhere.
Snow in the desert, drought, unpredictable weather.
Ubiquitous presence of plastic debris.
Vast, empty spaces filling up the gap between cities.
Cities turning their back to the environment on which they are dependent. 
Silence. Serenity of the remoteness.
A journey on seeing, observing, learning, meditating.
A contemplative process of survival, of growing internally every day.
Wiser maybe.

“Weiser stehen auf den Strassen, weisen auf die Städte zu,
und ich wand’re sonder Maßen ohne Ruh’ und suche Ruh’.”

(Signposts stand on the roads, point towards towns.
Yet I wander on and on, unresting, in search of rest.)

Wilhelm Müller. Der Wegweiser / Franz Schubert Winterreise D911

· Winter

Land of Mist (2019)

This series is inspired by the imprint left on the hills of India and Sri Lanka by the tea planters and growers who created gardens of a spectacular beauty in their geometry. The careful planning and pruning have produced through the years this manipulated landscape that tea gardens are.

The mist and rain coming to damp the hills every day makes an eery atmosphere around this man made environment. Sometimes you cannot see anymore where the land ends or where that road go. Trees disappear almost completely, bodies of water integrate into the land as if they were no limits between the two of them.

Here the scenes are often presented in a closer frame, in a different scale much smaller and more focused as they were in the American landscapes. A different approach to the same subject.

The contemplative landscape: severe, remote, inducing a holistic attitude of observation and meditation.


Trails to the West (2018)

I am particularly drawn to the Plain states in the Western part of the country. This landscape with its “big sky” and remote almost desolate land can present as both spectacularly beautiful on the one hand, and also severe and punishing, on the other. We imagine the men and women who occupied these lands- both the native population as well as the ‘settlers’ - as braving harsh conditions to make their homesteads.

Traveling along the National Historic Trails I'm interested in pointing to these settlers by tracing their marks on the landscape in the form of dwellings, both homes and barns, the electric and telephone lines that draw long lines in the landscape, and empty, endless country roads. Sometimes it’s not clear where these roads are even going as they seem to exist on their own without an obvious destination.

The homes and other man-made structures present as tiny and overmatched against the conditions, be they snow and freezing cold or wind and endless sun.

I work to present these scenes the way I feel them: as beholden to the great expanse of skyline. My horizon line is low and I never frame a scene except from a great distance.

"He would be a poet who could impress the winds and streams into his service, to speak for him" (H.D. Thoreau)
"Go West" (Pet Shop Boys)
